Sunday, February 20, 2011

HO 2011

This is quite a long overdue post >.<
I know I have watched our HO video hundreds of times, I watched almost all the videos taken by different people from different angle, and I just can't stop myself from watching them once in a while.

Yeps I just watched the video a few times just now and I would like to highlight some parts of the video! :)
1. I love the energy of everyone! The 'Power Rangers' at the beginning part is so POWER!!! haha.
2. I love the formation we did before the final stunts sequence! See how Megazord did the formation with us and it's so in sync! :D
I think I don't have to say much about all the stunts hor. Everyone put in their best efforts and that's good enough.

So I want to say about something that is not exactly in the routine. See the few seconds before everyone got into their first position, what was everyone doing? :) I bet the high5 from each other meant a lot. It's assurance, confidance, encouragement, comfort.. I was really happy to see that in Spectrum :)

so, thanks everyone who is directly or indirectly to make HO 2011 a success! Thanks team Spectrum, coach Vincent, Hall 13 and everyone! :)
I am proud to be part of team Spectrum!

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