Monday, September 01, 2008

ZPL- All Stars part 2 @ Sony Comex fair 2008

4 days.
20 performances.
3 different routine versions.
The Sony cheerleading assignment has finally come to a close.

But instead of waiting for stupid regine to make her thank you speech, i think i should make my own first.

Thank you yifang for coming down despite being so sick. You could have well put our aeroplane but you chose to maintain your integrity as a cheerleader and didn't give up. I really admire your fighting spirit. You showed me a very different side of cheerleading that i didn't know. So thank you.

Thank you Xiwen for offering to help substitute regine at the eleventh hour despite your own commitments. You gave up time with your bf and came back to help us even when you were not required to. Thank you for going beyond the call of duty.

Thank you ben and joanne for sponsoring our training ground and lending us the skirts. Without these two this whole Sony routine would never have been possible.

Thank you zhiliang for following the bad guy. hahahahaha.

Thank you Andra for being the asshole you are =P

Thank you Simin for coming to substitute yifang on day one and staying with us throughout the entire 4 days. Without you we would have been forced to forfeit the assignment. Thank you for giving up your time for us.

Thank you Pamela for daring to try. It's crazy to be doing a toss up gladiator in a routine having tried it only a few times but you did it anyway. Never try. Never die. Never die. Never know. =P

And last but not least, thank you regine for coming down despite having chicken pox on the very last day. And thank you for being my partner.

Bases (L to R ) : Benjamin, Zhiliang, Andra, Chaang.
Flyers ( L to R) : Joanne, Pamela, Xiwen, Simin, Regine.

Routine version one:

Routine version two:

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