photowhoring (:

magnum force. their toss is damn high ._.

sapphire cheerleaders with their stunts

our babe with (cross)bow and arrow. bad shot though. poor cameraman >.<

*whoops! giddy giddy...@_@*

poised ftw!!!

ok. this photo is a tad bit outta place. but w/e ._.

man. this simply looks damn cool

bah. only managed to take this shot. but she's hot. real hot.

mehhhh. ignore the joker in front. >.>

NTU team Aces. good job for winning the championship!!

this hunk's hot. as quoted from denyse XD

on extension

and the following "peektures" show how excited this little girl is (=

and more to come

issac with denyse

yours truly with denyse. omg. i look damn fat ._.

denyse holding the trophy poudly

issac too...

couple photos..

da trophy itself

and last but not least... guess who's in it?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~