Hi all,
sidetrack a lil bit. Just came across a blog belonging to my fren and found out that her god-daughter is suffering from neuroblastoma. In case you guys dunno what that is, that's a form of cancer. Jolene, the originator of the blog, is a personal fren of mine so there are no concerns of fraud here so dun worry.
Not here to canvass for funds or what but simply to appeal to those who feel for the little girl to include her in your prayers or just to leave a word of encouragement to the lil girl.

-this is the blog dedicated to the little girl. You guys can read on if you have the time. There will be updates on lil char while she is undergoing chemo. Just take a moment to click on the banners by Nuffnang is enough. As long as one can contribute, no action is too little.
May our blessings be with lil Char...